This blog post is about a comprehensive definition of mental health based on the research and articles of the European Psychiatric Association. Mental health is a dynamic state of internal balance that allows individuals to use their abilities in line with universal values. Universal values refer to respect and care for oneself and others, respect for one’s own freedom and the freedom of others, the recognition of connectedness between people, and respect for the environment. The components of mental health are:
Cognitive and Social Skills: the ability to pay attention, remember and organize information; the ability to solve problems, make decisions, communicate and interact with others.
Emotional Regulation: the ability to recognize, express, and manage one’s own emotions. It’s a key factor in handling stress.
Empathy: the ability to acknowledge and understand the feelings of others.
Flexibility: the ability to adapt to changes and cope with adverse life events.
Body-Mind Harmony: having a balanced relationship between the brain, the mind, the body and the environment.
Mental health is also about Social Functioning: the ability to perform social roles and participate in meaningful social interactions without exclusion or stigmatization.
Source: European Psychiatric Association
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