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Writer's pictureDagmar Glow

Is It Stress, Overwork Or Burnout? Understand The Difference With 3 Examples



We've all been there. Juggling tasks, running from meeting to meeting, pulling late nights to complete a report before the deadline. Feeling exhausted and drowning in work. But is it full-on burnout or is it just stress? Do we need a break or are we past the breaking point already? Let’s clear up the confusion between stress, overwork, and burnout so you can figure out where you really stand!

Here are the key differences with relevant examples:

1. Stress

It’s a short-term response to specific challenges (like juggling deadlines). You can bounce back once the pressure eases. Stress often comes with a rush of adrenaline or a surge of anxiety that go away when the stressor is gone.


Stress - You are asked to present in front of the whole department. The stakes are high and a lot is riding on your performance. You don’t want to fail. You feel stressed. Public speaking can be a real challenge! And, it's done! Afterwards, you feel relived but energized at the same time. You did it!

2. Overwork

You consistently work too much but still feel connected to the job despite the exhaustion. It’s like running a marathon at sprint pace. It’s dangerous and not sustainable. Work starts to take more and more space in your life at the expense of other spheres such as family, relationships, hobbies or leisure travel.


Overwork - Your company is preparing for Black Friday and you’re pulling 10-hour days for a few weeks in a row. You still find some satisfaction in checking-off the to-do list and you feel accomplished (mostly thanks to caffeine or sugar). Once the big event is over, you should be back to normal, yet you are worried that you will be assigned to the next big project just around the corner. With a growing backlog of paperwork, you realize that you will have to take a few weekend days to get back on track with everything. The pressure is high!

3. Burnout

When chronic workplace stress and overwork are not managed or addressed properly over time, we can reach burnout. Burnout is an occupational phenomenon and is characterized by:

  • Exhaustion - Physical, mental, and emotional fatigue.

  • Cynicism - Increased mental distance from one’s job or feeling negatively towards it.

  • Inefficacy - Reduced feelings of achievement or productivity.

It’s prolonged (chronic) stress and overwork combined. You’re not just tired - you feel emotionally drained, resentful, and that your work no longer matters.


Burnout - At dinner with friends, instead of enjoying the conversation, you mentally go over your to-do list for the upcoming week. You even consider checking your emails under the table. You ruminate over the emotionally intense team meeting. Your colleague’s mistake in the report feels like a personal betrayal because you’re already stretched too thin, working so hard, yet seeing no reward for it. You feel drained and resentful. No matter how much you do, nothing seems to change or improve and you are the glue holding everything together! You feel trapped.

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